Finding Meaningful Work and Building Your Online Home

  • When to do what you love? Interests and passions are best discovered through active experimentation, rather than soul searching or waiting for a perfect moment of inspiration. To figure out where you excel (i.e., where others will pay you) and what truly brings you satisfaction (i.e., deep work or flow), pick a handful of areas you find potentially appealing and just try them out. Discipline and habit formation generally count for more than inspiration or bursts of initial excitement, because it’s unrealistic to expect perpetual happiness in your day-to-day tasks. The goal is to maintain a steady sense of satisfaction over time—an ambitious but achievable aim. Often, the most fulfilling work is that which feels meaningful, make you look (and thus feel) good, benefits others, and provides autonomy, variety, and ongoing challenges in a supportive environment.
  • Be A Property Owner And Not A Renter On The Internet Get your own domain & create a personal website, diversity your online presence across platforms/socials. Form direct connections with people by building and maintaining a mailing list. Create backups of your content. Once you have enough connections, build a community around your content (comments/forums). Use open communication internet protocols. Accept that complete control isn’t always possible.
  • Keep your Identity Small Your identity is sacred. We become very sensitive/defensive about whatever we choose to integrate into our identities in the form of beliefs. Your identity is the static in a changing truth, and so it introduces modes of human collapse. So please, keep your identity small :)


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